A Letter to Our Community in Challenging Times
A Letter from Our Principal:
June 4th, 2020
Dear St. Raphael School community,
My heart is heavy today as it has been for some time because of the injustice of the death of our brother in Christ, George Floyd, last week and countless others. Society’s responses to these injustices have been full of pain, frustration, anger, and feelings of helplessness. Our faith calls us to treat everyone equally as we are all made in God’s image. However, this is not the reality for all Americans. Racism is a sin, but yet it happens each and every day. It is our duty as people of faith to work towards a more just and equal society — Jesus lived his life as an example of this very message. Archbishop Gomez has urged us to help our society to see our common humanity and live together as God’s children. I am proud of our church leaders for calling out injustices and standing in solidarity with those most oppressed.
Research indicates that children begin understanding race as early as 3 months and by 30 months most children use race to choose playmates. I tell you this to explain that it is never too early to talk about race and racism with your children. Some of our families have no choice as their children have already experienced it. There is so much pain in our communities and in our world, and it’s important that we give our students a safe space to talk about race and educate them on the reality of the world in which they live.
The best way to change someone’s heart is through a broad and inclusive educational experience that expands our thinking and our understanding of the world. It is important that I tell you here at St. Raphael School, we believe in educating our students on the injustices that plague our society to help form them into the very leaders that will continue the work needed to change it. It is my prayer that our students feel empowered from TK to 8th grade to fulfill our mission as Christians and bring true equality to our world. If you are having difficulty discussing these topics with your children, the following resources might be helpful:
37 Children’s Books to Help Support Conversations on Race
How to Talk to Kids About Race & Racism
We are here to support you along the way, however you might need. We are in this together.
God bless,
Mrs. Hurtt